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27 February 2006

Just "For Dummies"

Some blogger - Jason Calacanis @ Weblogs, Inc. - got a mail form John Wiley & Sons, Inc. asking him not to use the so called "For Dummies trademark" in a headline, or at least state that it is a registered trademark of Wiley Publishing, Inc.
Due to the significant efforts undertaken by Wiley to promote and protect its trademarks, and because of the potential for confusion or dilution regarding the FOR DUMMIES® mark in the manner has used Wiley's trademark, Wiley requests that and all other blogs in the Weblogs, Inc. network include the following attribution language at the end of any postings that may refer to the FOR DUMMIES® brand, and that you provide Wiley with written assurance of the same. Attribution Language: FOR DUMMIES® is a registered trademark of Wiley Publishing, Inc.
I really think that that copyright and trademark thing has turned out to be really dummy. So here is my post tilte having the "For Dummies" trademark in it without including the attribution language at the end of it. Tags: , ,

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